The Multiplex Association of India (MAI) on Wednesday defended "dynamic and flexible" cinema pricing, which fluctuates based on factors like location, day of the week, seat type, film format, and cinema format. Cinema exhibitors are now using sophisticated digital tools to stimulate audience demand and optimise pricing, said MAI while issuing a statement over the recent remarks by film maker Karan Johar. Brushing aside Johar's remarks, who alleged high pricing strategies by cinema exhibitors, the MAI statement quoting its President Kamal Gianchandani said the average ticket price (ATP) across all cinemas in India was Rs 130 per ticket. "The country's largest cinema chain, PVRINOX, reported an ATP of Rs 258 for the fiscal year 2023-24. Additionally, the Average Spend Per Head (SPH) on F&B at PVRINOX during this period stood at Rs 132," it said adding "This brings the total average expenditure for a family of four to Rs 1,560 significantly different from the Rs 10,000 figure carried
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