The juggernaut of "Kalki 2898 AD" shows no signs of slowing down as the sci-fi spectacle is the latest Indian film to hit the Rs 1,000 crore milestone in box office collections worldwide. According to production house Vyjayanthi Movies, Nag Ashwin's ambitious directorial has become a part of the prestigious club, a hallmark of a superhit film that has emerged in recent years, in less than a month of its release. Starring Amitabh Bachchan, Kamal Haasan, Prabhas and Deepika Padukone in the lead, "Kalki 2898 AD" is a mythological and sci-fi action drama which released on June 27 in theatres around the world in six languages. On Saturday, the makers shared a poster on X with "Epic Maha Blockbuster 1000 crore +" embossed on it and expressed gratitude to the audience. The banner said on the microblogging site: "1000 CRORES and counting. This milestone is a celebration of your love. We poured our hearts into this film, and you embraced it with open hearts. Thank you to the audience across
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