The Mumbai police's crime branch has recovered two pistols, magazines and bullets from the Tapi river in Gujarat during a search operation to recover weapons allegedly used in the firing outside Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's residence, an official said on Tuesday. The crime branch has recovered two pistols, three magazines and 13 bullets during the search that began on Monday, the official said. A team of 12 officials, including 'encounter specialist' senior police inspector Daya Nayak, is still at the spot. The search is underway with the help of scuba divers, he said. The two arrested accused, Vicky Gupta (24) and Sagar Pal (21), allegedly fired outside 58-year-old Khan's house at the Galaxy Apartment in the Bandra area of Mumbai on April 14 and then fled the spot on a motorbike. Based on the technical surveillance, they were apprehended on April 16 from the premises of a temple at Mata No Madh near Bhuj town in Gujarat by joint teams of the Mumbai and Kutch police. They wer
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