One of the two men seen in a CCTV footage opening fire outside Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's house in Mumbai is suspected to be from Gurugram, sources in the Delhi Police said on Sunday. Two men fired four rounds outside Bandra's Galaxy Apartments, where the actor resides, around 5 am and fled. According to a Bandra police official, an FIR has been registered against "unidentified persons" under IPC section 307 (attempt to murder) and the Arms Act. An official source in the Delhi Police said one of the two is suspected to be a criminal from Gurugram who was involved in multiple killings and robberies in Haryana and is wanted in the murder of Gurugram-based businessman Sachin Munjal in March. Gangster Rohit Godara, who is based abroad, had in a purported social media post claimed responsibility for Munjal's murder. He is a close associate of gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi, his brother Anmol and Goldy Brar. Hours after the firing outside Salman Khan's house on Sunday, Anmol Bishnoi,
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