The Multiplex Association of India (MAI) on Saturday said that over six million cinemagoers went to the theatres on the second edition of National Cinema Day. More than 4,000 screens participated in the initiative on Friday including cinema chains like PVR INOX, Cinepolis, Miraj, Citypride, Mukta A2, Movie Time, Wave, M2K, Moviemax, Rajhans, NY Cinemas, Delite and others. The tickets were priced at Rs 99 across theatres. "A record number of 6+ million (estimated) moviegoers visited their local cinema to celebrate the National Cinema Day. In every corner, audiences of all ages came together to record an unprecedented demand for movie tickets, and the country's cinema operators reported house-full shows throughout the day, making 13 October the second highest-attended day of the year 2023," the MAI said in a press note. The association said the success of National Cinema Day is a reminder of the love people have for big screen movie watching experience. "The overwhelming response to
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