Actor-producer Priyanka Chopra Jonas is no longer associated with Sona, her Indian cuisine restaurant which was opened in 2021 in New York City. A spokesperson for the "Citadel" star confirmed the news to People magazine. "Priyanka has stepped away from her partnership at Sona. Bringing Sona to life will invariably be a proud and significant moment in her career. "Priyanka has always endeavored to bring Indian culture to the fore through storytelling, whether that's via engaging content for film and TV, or a beautifully plated dish that embodies the haute cuisine of India," a representative said in a statement The 41-year-old actor will, however, continue to take interest in the hospitality and food scene. "Stepping away from Sona allows her to broaden these ambitions on a more global scale, and she's excited about the possibilities that await," the spokesperson added. Maneesh K Goyal, Sona co-founder and Chopra Jonas' friend and former business partner, said working with the act
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