The Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to hear the urgent mentioning of a plea against an order of the Allahabad High Court, which had directed the makers of the controversial movie "Adipurush" to appear before it on July 27. "Adipurush", a retelling of the epic Ramayana, has come under attack for its dialogues and use of colloquial language. A bench headed by Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud asked the counsel appearing for the makers of the movie to mention it on Thursday. The high court on June 30 had directed the makers of the movie to appear before it on July 27 and told the central government to form a committee to give its views on the film. It was hearing separate petitions of Kuldeep Tiwari and Naveen Dhawan seeking a ban on the movie. The high court had ordered director Om Raut, producer Bhushan Kumar, and dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir to appear before it on July 27. It has also directed the central government to constitute a five-member committee to give its view on the f
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