The makers of "The Kerala Story" have announced that a special screening of the movie will be held for the students of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII). Directed by Sudipto Sen, "The Kerala Story" depicts how women from Kerala were forced to convert and recruited by the terror group Islamic State (IS). It is produced by Vipul Shah's Sunshine Pictures. "We are very excited to meet our own people there. This is the future of the industry that is getting ready in FTII. It would be very interesting and exciting to see how they are looking at 'The Kerala Story', and what they think of it. What they have understood and their viewpoint, which is the future's viewpoint. It is going to be fun," Shah said in a statement. The movie, which has polarised the political discourse in the country, was released in theatres on May 5. The West Bengal government had imposed a ban on the film on May 8, apprehending tensions among the communities. Theatres in Tamil Nadu had decided to stop i
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