Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Wednesday said nobody had stopped actor couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt from taking darshan of Mahakal in Ujjain but they decided against visiting the temple due to a protest, a day after Bajrang Dal workers demonstrated near the famous shrine of Lord Shiva. He also said artists and actors should stay away from making such remarks that can hurt the sentiments of the people. Ranbir and Alia didn't visit the temple on Tuesday night because of the protest by right-wing activists over the alleged remarks of the couple over beef-eating and watching the "Brahmastra" movie. Police had resorted to cane-charge to disperse the protesters, an official had said. The protest is a different matter. There was no restriction on them to offer prayers (at the temple). Other persons accompanying the actor couple had offered prayers and all arrangements were in place, Mishra, who is the state government's spokesman, told reporters. He said the local
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