Iconic global music festival Lollapalooza is all set to make its India debut in January next year, the organizers announced Wednesday. The two-day musical extravaganza will be held in Mumbai on January 28 and 29, entertainment and ticketing platform BookMyShow (BMS) said in a media statement. BMS said it will spearhead Lollapalooza India as the promoter and co-producer for the festival's Indian edition along with global producers, Perry Farrell, WME and C3 Presents. Ashish Hemrajani, Founder & CEO, BookMyShow said they are proud to bring the music festival to India. BookMyShow is proud to bring Lollapalooza to India - making it the eighth country and the fourth continent to do so. With a mix of some stellar Indian talent and global artists coming together on the same stage, we expect nothing short of magic, Hemrajani said in a statement. The annual music festival Lollapalooza, which was launched in 1991, is globally synonymous with alternative lifestyle, music and culture. For 31
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