Amazon is set to increase the price of the annual membership of its Prime programme in India by 50 per cent to Rs 1499. Monthly and a quarterly fee of Prime membership - which offers users access to Amazon Prime Video and one-day delivery on millions of items on the e-commerce platform - is also being hiked. "The price of Prime memberships in IN (India) is being revised from Rs 999 to Rs 1,499 (annual plan), Rs 329 to Rs 459 (3-month plan), and Rs 129 to Rs 179 (monthly plan)," an Amazon spokesperson said. The spokesperson added that the price of prime membership in India will be changing very soon, and the company will announce the exact date of the price change at a later time. "Since the launch 5 years ago in India, Prime has continued to increase the value it offers members. Prime provides an unparalleled combination of shopping, savings, and entertainment benefits to make life more convenient and entertaining every single day, and we continue to invest in making Prime even mor
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