The autopsy report of actor Sidharth Shukla, who died at the age of 40, does not mention the exact cause of death, police sources said on Friday. The cause of the death will be known after reports of chemical analysis of the viscera and histopathology tests, a police official said. "On the face of it, there were no signs of unnatural death (as per the autopsy report)," the official said, referring to reports that a heart attack led to Shukla's demise. There were no external injuries on the actor's body, another police official said. The actor's viscera has been sent to the Kalina Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) in Mumbai and some organs were sent to the pathology laboratory of a medical college for examination, a source at the civic-run R N Cooper Hospital said. A forensic expert from the hospital said they sent the viscera to the FSL to rule out the possibility of foul play. "The FSL will investigate for the presence of toxicity in the organs and other details," he said, addi
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